Food Sustainability certification

Food Sustainability certification

Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and social consequences of purchasing decisions. Bureau Veritas’ range of food sustainability certification and auditing solutions allow you to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

The global food industry has significant environmental and social impacts. The production, processing and distribution of food is highly resource-intensive. The complexity and globalization of food supply chains dramatically increases the industry’s carbon footprint. The use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer and antibiotics in conventional agriculture can have negative consequences on biodiversity, local ecosystems and the health of farmers and agricultural workers.

Bureau Veritas supports food industry players across the value chain to optimize their sustainability performance. Our food sustainability certification and auditing services and digital tools enable you to reduce your environmental and social impact, achieve greater efficiency and boost your reputation.

Key benefits

  • Reduce your carbon footprint

    by achieving greater efficiency along the entire food value chain

  • Earn consumer loyalty

    with certifications and credentials that show off your commitment to sustainability

  • Make more sustainable purchasing decisions

    thanks to state-of-the-art supplier monitoring

  • Earn worldwide recognition

    for the environmental and social responsibility of your product, processes and services


Bureau Veritas has developed its own Food Waste Management System certification standard to support industry players taking concrete actions on reducing their food waste to implement a structured management system and demonstrate continuous improvements of their actions. The standard is based on a systems approach that demonstrates the management engagement as prevention of food loss and waste with expectations for quantification methodology to be implemented ensuring concrete KPIs monitoring.

RSPO certified palm oil

Palm oil can be found in a wide variety of products, from food and cosmetics, to laundry detergent and toothpaste. However, palm oil that is not farmed sustainably has a devastating impact on the environment, wildlife and local communities. Biodiversity and habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution and deforestation and labor abuse are just a few of the consequences of non-sustainable palm oil agriculture. Bureau Veritas is accredited to provide Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification and supply chain assessments. Certification to RSPO palm oil standards enables you to demonstrate that the palm oil in your products is sourced responsibly.

Assure social responsibility along the food supply chain

Bureau Veritas offers a range of solutions to support the implementation and maintenance of ethical labor practices in the food industry. Certification to the SA8000 Social Accountability Management System standard and SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) assessments by Bureau Veritas enable you to ensure that the highest ethical standards are being respected across your entire supply chain. 

Organic certification and non-GMO product certifications

Organic certification and non-GMO food product certification by Bureau Veritas enables you to address growing appetite among consumers for sustainability, animal welfare and transparency. Whatever your place on the food supply chain, our certification services allow you to demonstrate that your products are free of harmful chemicals (e.g. synthetic pesticides and fertilizers), hormones and antibiotics, as well as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). 

rainforest alliance certification (former utz certification)

Intensive farming of coffee, cocoa and tea is associated with soil depletion, water pollution, habitat destruction and labor exploitation. With certification to Rainforest Alliance standards by Bureau Veritas, you can demonstrate your commitment to environmentally and socially responsible agricultural production and sourcing. Rainforest Alliance certification enables you to access international markets, and boost your reputation, and increase efficiency.

SAI Farm Sustainability Assessment

The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Farm Sustainability Assessment supports agricultural players to move towards more sustainable practices. The SAI FSA is used to evaluate and benchmark sustainability performance, facilitate continual sustainability improvement and enable farmers to more easily demonstrate compliance with customers’ social and environmental criteria. Bureau Veritas can conduct SAI FSA verification audits and support you to conduct self-assessments.


GLOBALG.A.P. and BAP are GFSI-accredited, globally recognized certification schemes that enable food players to demonstrate the environmental and social responsibility of agriculture and aquaculture practices. Certification to GLOBALG.A.P. by Bureau Veritas shows that your business practices meet the highest standards for sustainability and worker and animal welfare. BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) certification demonstrates commitment to environmental and social responsibility along the entire aquaculture value chain.

ANIMAl welfare audit program

The need to protect animal welfare during farming, transport and slaughter is attracting increasing attention from consumers and markets. The result is new requirements on industry stakeholders to improve the process to ensure good practices. We build an Animal Welfare Audit Program according to your specific needs and focus and carry out independent verification of welfare for all animal species.