Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Health and safety in the workplace have quickly become priorities for business owners across industries. Employers have a growing responsibility to protect their employees from threats to their wellbeing, including workplace accidents, injury and illnesses.

For many businesses, the route to improving health and safety runs through developing, implementing or updating company-wide management systems. Bureau Veritas provides certification to internationally recognized standards for health and safety like ISO 45001. We also offer certification and auditing for biosafety and hygiene protocols developed by our experts.

Prioritizing employee health and safety

Securing the Health and Safety of employees is key to limiting workplace-related illnesses and accidents, which can have serious, long-term consequences for companies. Bureau Veritas offers certification to Health & Safety Management system (ISO 45001) standard, enabling businesses to protect their workers on the job. 

Implementing biosafety management protocols

Infectious disease outbreaks in professional settings can bring businesses to a halt, threatening the health and safety of employees and customers. To help companies prepare for, minimize and control biosafety hazards, Bureau Veritas has developed a Biosafety Certification scheme to complement existing management systems. By undergoing a risk-based assessment and developing and implementing an action plan, businesses can boost biosafety protocols and protect their workplace.

Reassuring customers that sanitary safeguards in place

Companies across sectors must be able to prove that their worksites, facilities and offices meet rigorous health, hygiene and safety requirements. Bureau Veritas’ Safeguard label  shows that companies adhere to a range of preventative and protective health and safety measures when dealing with employees, customers and partners.

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