Companies are under growing pressure to follow environmental best practices and demonstrate sustainable management of resources like water. Bureau Veritas offers certification to several standards that help organizations assess, improve, track and report on their water management activities.

Water is a precious resource used by organizations of all kinds around the world. As businesses face increasing scrutiny of their resource management and environmental impact, water management has become a central question. Companies need to prove their commitment to sustainable use of water, implementing actionable, traceable policies and providing transparent communication. 

Several standards can help businesses track and report on their water footprint, uncover water challenges and risks, maintain water quality and provide transparent water governance. Bureau Veritas provides certification and verification for companies seeking to communicate their ethical business practices for water management and verify their environmental credentials.


  • Accurately assess

    your water management profile and gain insight into areas for improvement

  • Verify compliance

    with internationally recognized standards and show transparency in water management practices

  • Evaluate and trace

    water quality at all stages of use

  • Improve your reputation and build trust

    among stakeholders – from consumers to investors, policy makers and industry regulators

Assess and share your impact 

ISO 14046 specifies the principles, requirements and guidelines for assessing the water footprint of products, processes and organizations based on lifecycle assessment. Bureau Veritas provides verification to this standard, ensuring a thorough, reliable evaluation of water-related impacts and delivering a transparent and communicable profile of impacts. 

Show your commitment to using water well

A globally applicable framework for water users, the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) standard helps organizations understand their water use and impacts. Companies work collaboratively to achieve sustainable water management within a catchment context (i.e. in areas where all water flows to a single destination). Bureau Veritas offers certification to AWS, helping major water users build stakeholder trust and boost their reputation for sustainability. 

Achieve and prove good water governance

The European Water Stewardship standard enables European businesses to assess, verify and communicate responsible water stewardship practices in line with the EU’s Water Framework Directive. It focuses on protecting water use on a river basin level, helping organizations understand the shared risks and opportunities related to water resource management. Bureau Veritas can verify and attest to compliance with this standard for organizations across Europe.

Further reading