Carbon offsets and GHG removals

Carbon offsets and GHG removals

To reduce their carbon footprint, organizations need to find ways to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Companies can then offset unavoidable emissions by buying or investing in carbon credits. Bureau Veritas offers validation and verification of such carbon offsetting and removal initiatives.

Under pressure to lower their GHG emissions, organizations are turning to carbon offsetting and removal schemes to hit their targets.

Carbon offsetting enables companies to buy offset credits that contribute to projects that reduce or avoid GHG emissions. This enables businesses to “cancel out” their residual emissions and credibly claim they are carbon neutral. Organizations can also choose carbon removal, the process of removing emissions directly from the atmosphere. This can help businesses cancel out residual emissions and bring them closer to achieving net zero targets.

Bureau Veritas validates the design of carbon offsetting projects using several standards and mechanisms. Our experts can also verify that real emissions reductions were achieved from these projects’ operations throughout their lifecycle.

Bureau Veritas is among the top five most used Designated Operational Entities for Clean Development Mechanism/Joint Implementation project validation and verification. We have more than 1,000 projects validated and over 340 projects verified.


  • Evaluate and report on the actual impact

    of your GHG removal and offsetting projects

  • Prove your project’s

    carbon credits are legitimate and demonstrate transparency

  • Remove and avoid emissions

    to help your business meet carbon neutral and net zero targets

  • Open the door to international cooperation

    with carbon offset credits

Monitor and report GHG reductions

ISO 14064-2  provides guidance for quantifying, monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions reduction and removal at a project level. Bureau Veritas offers validation and verification to ISO 14064-2, helping companies provide transparency to stakeholders for planning a GHG reduction project and reporting on project performance.

Prove your carbon credits are legitimate

The Verified Carbon Standard  (VCS) was created to ensure the credibility of emission reduction projects, offering verification that emissions are actually being reduced. VCS-certified projects are issued tradable GHG credits to be sold to companies looking to offset their own emissions. Certification with Bureau Veritas tells potential purchasers that credits are legitimate and clean.  

Trade verified carbon credits

The Gold Standard certifies that a project’s carbon credits are real and verifiable. Credits from Gold Standard projects can be bought and traded by countries committed to the Kyoto Protocol and other organizations. Bureau Veritas helps companies prove project compliance by issuing certification to this standard, green-lighting carbon credit trading. 

Earn certified emission reduction credits

The UN Clean Development Program allows carbon emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction credits. These can be traded with industrialized countries to help them meet emission reduction targets. Bureau Veritas provides validation and verification of projects, enabling project developers and owners to prove that they are achieving greater emission reductions. 


Related documents

WHITE PAPER: Reducing emissions, demonstrating transparency